&& Mystery Trail

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Kitty Kat 1 293 by .:Desired:.
Nov 3, 2009 14:37:43 GMT -7


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&& Mystery Trail
A trail set off in the distance that isn't open to anyone because it hasn't been checked yet. It's very pretty though and a semi easy ride. The first half is pretty much sand and dirt with very little trees but as you get deeper trees start to cover the arena and so does a bit of fog but not enough to blind you. Half way into the trail is a steep down hill and then an uphill but its not to hard all your horse needs is to be strong! At the end the trail cuts into an opening of a small green field with other short trail that lead around the trees but always end up back in the field. The cool thing is when it rains a small little pond forms in the middle for animals to drink from.
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