' Confused? Lost? Come here ! ,

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No New Posts &&Information ,

All kinds of info is placed here like the rules. I would really be pleased if everyone who joins takes the time to stop and read everything in here. I really dislike baning members so please for both of us read the rules and anything else I may place in here.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

2 3 These Are My Rules
by .:Desired:.
Nov 3, 2009 14:37:43 GMT -7

' Expanding & Growing ,

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts &&Character Registration

I would really like it if you create a human character you place it here in its own thread. Wait to be accepted, I WILL delete if you don't wait and you will have to start over so be careful were you place it and be patient. I maybe a bit busy and not able to accept it at the moment so just wait your time for acceptance will come.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

Sub-board: &&Accepted Characters

8 13
No New Posts &&Horse Registration

When you create your horse I would like you to place it here please. Also since you have to wait to be accepted don't put it in accepted area before I look at it. I WILL delete it if you do.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

Sub-board: &&Accepted Horses

14 22
No New Posts &&Other Pets

So you live in a house and your are feeling lonely because you can't have your house there. Here you can make a cat, dog, pig, mouse, ect.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

4 4
No New Posts &&Claims

Here is were I will place all the claims and were you can check who has who. I do hope you do check since I hate telling those lazy members that its already taken and they need to pick another one.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

1 1 Claims
by Kitty Kat
Oct 16, 2009 17:03:31 GMT -7
No New Posts &&Job Applications

Here is were once you have created a character and it is accepted you will place for a job. The thing is all characters must be over 16 years of age to get a job out of the academy.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

2 2 In Academy Jobs
by Kitty Kat
Oct 16, 2009 17:46:19 GMT -7
No New Posts &&Sweet Surrender

PM your admin for your own blog board for all your characters. You can use your board for: pictures, diaries, anything you like.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

Sub-boards: Momories Are More, &&(C)lipsey's creations

5 9

' 29 R!bbons Of Extrod!nary ,

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No New Posts && The Points and Rankings

After a show everyone likes to know were they placed but were do you go? Here. Here, you can go on and see who won the latest show what horses have the most points and at the end of each real month HOTM will be placed up by who has more points.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

1 1 So Many Numbers...
by Kitty Kat
Oct 19, 2009 15:52:08 GMT -7
No New Posts && We Love Phones & IM's

Everyone loves talking on the phone and on line, who not your characters too? Here this place will give you a chance to get on and meet new people over the internet and call your friends in the dorm area or across the world. You have a chance to meet a lot of people here.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

2 2 Wanna Chat?
by Kitty Kat
Oct 19, 2009 15:57:36 GMT -7

'Into Open Doors ,

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No New Posts && Main Office

The Main office will be probably the second thing you see as the drive down those pastures into the academy. Its not that hard to pick out its the only area wit ha large sign that says, "Principal Office". As you walk into the office you will see many pictures of Mrs. Nutmeg's horse, Sugarfoot, a pretty appaloosa gelding. In the back of the office a large desk for the secretary sits there and to the left is a large white door were Marci Nutmeg the new owner has her office. Her office is covered in pictures and ribbons from her competing. Please if you are a new student and need a dorm key and a map to find your way around.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && Nurse Office

Rather then just being a basic nurse station, this room is more like a miniature hospital with all the latest mod-cons including a top of the line x-ray machine so that students can be checked out there and then without having to rush to hospital just to find out it's a sprain. Just so students also don't think, "Oh for the love of god I'm going to die!"

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && Library

Oh, the baby library so cute with all the pictures of horses and horse books that every rider dreams to have. You walk in and BAM! you are hit with purple walls and colored books, red desks for reading, black lamps, blue bean bag chairs with a yellow rug under it. Several shelves filled to the brim with books lay across the room and you can find every book here. Please, borrow a book return it to don't just take and never give back maybe someone else wants to read it?

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && Equine Courses

Here are where the equine courses are held all day. As well as the arenas for practical work, there are also a handful of tastefully decorated classrooms set aside for the theory work that also goes with becoming the best of the best. The only room in the school is the first room walking in and it isn't that hard to pick out, purple door. Walking in the walls are all white with many pictures of the horse anatomy and skeletons. All they amazing stuff to teach you about the horse.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

2 14 Leo's lessons - English riding, all aspects
by eclipse
Nov 9, 2009 8:48:03 GMT -7
No New Posts && Regular Class Courses

Along with the equestrian side of the academy, the students are required to attend academic courses as well. Each of the rooms are brightly colored to fit in with what is taught inside the classroom. The math is a light red with a soft side of pink, science is this smoky gray, English is a cream white, ect.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && Cafeteria

Who doesn't love this cafeteria? I don't know but as soon as you walk in all of a sudden you don't want to leave but I think thats because they have pizza, burgers, salads, ect. The Cafeteria has all kinds of food and the best of you want to lose weight they have that kind of food if you like burgers but you don't like all that fat they have the best low-fat burgers. Those burgers have half the fat most burgers do and just as much condominiums. It's also very easy to find the caff since all you have to do is look for the baby blue doors and you will find the bright room with several four seated tables with blue and white cloths placed over.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && The Gym

Very last place is the big gym and its amazing. As you walk through the halls you can see the large yellow doors that stand out perfectly. Grabbing the door and opening it you walk into a tan room that is HUGE. Looking at the floor in the middle a large picture of Mrs. Notmeg's horse, Sugarfoot, is placed there of the gelding jumping. To your right is a door and in that door is were all the equipment is laid, also were all the benches are. The gym is also the place were all school meetings are held.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

'Relax & Chill ,

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No New Posts && Staff Living Quarters

The staff living quarters is very well done. It's made out of sweet pinewood, the windows that are in view of the ocean have small ledges with indoor flowers over them. The living room was 60s retro, candles around the living room, black tables, lounge chairs that are tan with gold-brown stripes, flat screen tv. The kitchen is very large being able to work with three people in there. Then there are about 10 rooms in the entire house with three bathrooms.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

2 8 To Jump Or Not To Jump?
by Kitty Kat
Oct 30, 2009 20:37:19 GMT -7
No New Posts && Lounge

The lounge is the first thing you will have to go through to get to the dorms, so its the first thing you see when your there and when you leave. Its a lovely purple color on the inside and a tan on the outside. One tv, a radio, two couches, three lounge chairs, one mini fridge, five computers, and a telephone for local calls. The Lounge is open for everyone and anyone from 5AM till 10PM. To the left is a large white door with a sign, "boys", and thats the door to the boys rooms. TO the right is a white door reading, "girls", were the girls rooms are.

Moderator: Kitty Kat

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && Boys Dorms

Once you enter the door the the boys dorms you can really see why only boys live here. You look down the long hall and at the dorm doors of white it looks nice on the outside. Inside it can get pretty scary since you know most guys, boxers on the floor floor everywhere. You have to have roommates, three. The rooms are very nice all painted in a soft tan color well also owning three twin-sized beds, a large closet fitting two or one, a small bathroom, one TV, one desk, and at least one windows.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

1 1 Dorm Picker
by Kitty Kat
Oct 22, 2009 19:53:32 GMT -7
No New Posts && Girls Dorms

Once you enter the door the the girls dorms you can really see why only girls live here. You look down the long hall and at the dorm doors of white it looks nice on the outside. The insides are usually very nice and clean, probably why no guys are allowed in there because they could mess it up. You have to have roommates, three. The rooms are very nice all painted in a soft tan color well also owning three twin-sized beds, a large closet fitting two or one, a small bathroom, one TV, one desk, and at least one windows.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

1 1 Dorm Picker
by Kitty Kat
Oct 22, 2009 19:54:28 GMT -7

'Pirouette's and Parallel's ,

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No New Posts &&The larger Barn

This is the largest of the two barns. It's magnificent in it's large, wooden build. Two huge doors slide apart to reveal a long neat isle. Either side of this isle are the stables, each one large and spacious with tidy beds and automatic water systems. At the back on the barn is a large space for where hay can be stacked up and kept from getting wet outside when it rains. There are cross ties at the back also, and plenty of space for at least several horses at once to be tied up there.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

5 11 "its all just a dream"""open""
by eclipse
Nov 10, 2009 13:45:43 GMT -7
No New Posts &&The smaller barn

This is the smaller barn, which is basically a smaller model of the large barn. It's a posh wooden building with large barn doors that slide open to reveal the immaculate inside. There are stables on either side, but this barn only houses 12 horses, whereas the other houses 28. At the back of the barn is a combined wash and grooming area, including cross-ties, where horses can be cared for without having to block the isle or stand outside in the cold.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

1 1 The stable directory
by Kitty Kat
Oct 30, 2009 21:09:41 GMT -7
No New Posts && Paddocks

Bran new fences up and just perfect placement too. You could fix two people in between the fences and have then walk right through it. The ground has both sand and dirt with grass growing in the middles. Each paddock has its own shelter to fit three horses and it keeps them nice and dry. It's also big enough for them to run around in.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

2 6 The Devil's Wokr [Open]
by Kitty Kat
Nov 10, 2009 13:42:09 GMT -7
No New Posts &&The Round Pen

This is the round pen. It is situated round the corner from the barns so that it is slightly secluded and much quieter than other places, this helps to reduce the stress of the horse. The pen is 20X20 metres and built in strong wood, at a height of 6ft, making it impossible for horses to jump it. It is perfect for taming wild horses, training young horses, lunging, teaching young children how to ride, or simply keeping a horse off grass whilst allowing it time outside the stable.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&The outdoor arena

This is the outdoor arena. It's smaller than the indoor at 40X40, but it's an area of soft sand and springy rubber bits, making it a great surface for riding on. Every night after the horses have all been tucked in, it is raked smooth again. Just on the outside of the arena rest the jumps, and people are welcome to drag them in and set them up, as long as they put them away again.The draining system is very good, so that even when it rains, the water soaks through and is still usable through the winter.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&The Indoor arena

This is the indoor arena, and it's slightly larger than the outdoor. It's a great steal building with large fluescent lights which are easy on the eyes, but usful in the dark. The walls keep the space enclosed and warm, which is useful in the winter, and there's a large cupboard built into the side for jumps. There's also a large viewing gallery down the right hand side, so that when competitions and try-outs are on, people can come and watch.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

2 3 A good workout between friends ~ KittyKat
by Kitty Kat
Nov 9, 2009 20:30:00 GMT -7
No New Posts &&The cross-country course

This is the cross-country course. The course is made of twenty-two jumps, each jump having three different heights for the beginners and intermediates to jump too. The course starts off beside one of the trails and winds through the woods and aross open country. The course also runs along the cliff and down a safe, wide path to the beach, where it winds close to the cliff face, before heading back to the academy. It's a long course, and is quite difficult in places, so it takes an advanced rider to jump the highest jumps for the full course.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && Trails

There are some pretty sweet trails laid out on this area, some of the best. There are cliff trails, ocean side trails, trails to the green lands around here and everything but currently only 4 trails have been approved for safely. If the trails aren't flagged then there not safe at all so don't try and go one them! Suspension from school will happen if orders aren't kept.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

Sub-boards: && Ocean Run Trail, && Climbing Rocks Trail, && Darkin Trail, && Camp Grounds, && Mystery Trail, && Crystal River Trail, && Broken Lights Trail, && The Moors

1 12 Is there anybody out there ?
by Kitty Kat
Nov 10, 2009 14:58:03 GMT -7

'Shop Till Ya' Drop! ,

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No New Posts && Auction House

Those first flashes of blinding light can really hurt but don't sweat it the worse has not yet to come. The Auction house is a sell or die kind of thing since not the nicest people work here and they do drag the horses around. The large ring in there is all sand were they get the horse to walk and trot around and then people bid on them. Remember you must have the money to bid on the horse. Also, behind the sense isn't half bad but isn't great either the stalls are kind of small and not always the cleanest but they have fresh water and feed in there.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&Pav's Cafe

This is Pav's Cafe. It's a small little cafe just off the highstreet. It serves brunch up until 14:00pm, and offers full English breakfasts, coffee and tea, toast, eggs, bacon, chips ... anything like that. But bewear, their food can be very greasy and fattening.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && La petit Boutiques

This is La Petit Boutiques, a cute little shop filled with assessories such as handbags, headbands, hats, scalves, and clothes with unusual styles. It's run by a woman called Shakira Jamore, who's kind and fastinating. There isn't really anything for guys in here, but ... oh well.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&All occasions

This is the All Occasions fancy suit and dress shop. It's a large space, posh and light coloured, with racks of beautiful dresses, all kinda from cocktail dresses, to wedding dresses, to prom dressed and evening dressed. Then there's the guys stuff, selling all different styles, colours and sizes of suits, and plenty of ties to go with them.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

1 1 Shopping
by orchid
Oct 29, 2009 8:07:12 GMT -7
No New Posts &&Chismo

This is Chismo, the hottest restaurant in town. It's a huge restaurant with seating both upstairs, downstairs and even outside. It does all sorts of food from Italian to Indian, to Chinese to English. This place is the bomb!

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&Starbucks

Every town has one, yes this is Starbucks. It's an open, light place which sells like snacks such as buiscuits, sandwhiches and cakes, and of course, hot and cold drinks. It's the perfect place to sit down and relax after a hard day at work, or rest during the midst of a good shop.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&Jane Norman

This is where the hottest fashions are sold. This shop is the biggest on the highstreet, with several floors dedicated to clothes big in fashion labels, assessories, make-up and hair products. This place may be expensive, but if you wonna be fashionable, you'd better come here!

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&Bits and bobs

This is bits and bobs, a cosy little shop squished inbetween the rest of the larger one's. It's a store dedicated to horse supplies. Basically, it sells anything horsey from tack, to grooming equipment, to riding equipment, to head collars and rugs. There's a small section at the back where people can also find a few things for other pets such as dog, cat and rodent food, and toys and leads and such.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&The cinema

This is the town cinema. It's a huge place with three seperate big screens so that up to three movies can be playing at once in different rooms. Make sure you check out what's on and what time it is, otheriwse you could end up in the wrong movie! There is, of course, a confectionary stand-a huge one at that- which sells everything from sweets, to ice-cream, to popcorn, to drinks.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&Nim's

This is Nim's. Its a club where only the best and the coolest tunes are drummed out through huge speakers chosen by the Dj. Hundreds of people are packed in to rave to the aweasom music, and meet people for drinks and a good time. There are specific nights for specific ages, such as Monday night is under 16's night, whereas Tuesday night is over 21's night. There is always a bouncer at the door so characters under the age of 21 trying to get into a over 21's night, will NOT get in! No exceptions! Make sure you put M in the title of a thread if there is going to be drinking, drugs or something of a sexual nature!

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&The office shop

This is the office shop, a relatively small shop which opens up to a huge space through a door at the back of the room. In the first, smaller room, there's lots of office supplies such as pens, paper, staplers, paper. There are also services offered such as photograph development, photocopying, and laminating. Through the door to the bigger room is a space filled with shelves of books. Perfect!

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts &&Silvervalley Avenue

This is Silvervalley Avenue. Down this small dead end is where people outside of the academy live. There is a huge block of flats at the end of the avenue, and then several houses which flank the sides of the road. Remember, houses are expensive to buy, so a character cannot buy one as soon as they are created, they have to wait until they have the specific amount of money. The flats are cheap, spacious and open, and there's plenty up for rent.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

'Feel Free To Open Up ,

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No New Posts &&Graphix

This is the graphix board. Here, you can request graphix for your characters, which will be made by the great Eclipse. Make sure you follow the rules, the form and say please and thank you!

Moderator: eclipse

Sub-board: &&Finnished Products

4 6 SIGGIE ME!!!!
by Kitty Kat
Nov 10, 2009 12:30:35 GMT -7
No New Posts && Blah, Blah, Blah

Want someone to talk to? Have you written a song? Have something to say? Pictures of your animals? Here you can pretty much talk about anything and it doesn't matter one bit.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

Sub-board: && Accessory Store

1 1 Shopping List
by Kitty Kat
Oct 23, 2009 16:55:49 GMT -7
No New Posts && Suggestions or Questions

Self-explanatory, if you have any questions about the site of a suggestion you place them here. I'm always open to adding knew things and I don't mind answering questions because, there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

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No New Posts && Staff Lounge

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

1 3
No New Posts && Post Graveyard

It's dead and needs to come to an end and this is were it will be put. If you would like to re-open it I will reopen it for you.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && Leaving?

Are you going to be away? Are you quiting? Post here if you are going to be away and try and tell how long. We do hope no one quits though and I hope you get back happily and safely.

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts && Tell Everyone

Have a site? Would you like to put up an add? Well go ahead, we are very guest friendly and would love to see what others sites sit out there. Please though, only post once not twenty billion times. Thank-you!

Moderators: Kitty Kat, eclipse

49 49 Alezhon
by Alezhon Staff
Feb 4, 2012 18:23:50 GMT -7


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